A fantastic day with a full field, brilliant sunshine and Captain plying the ladies with strawberries and sparkling Rose on the tee!
As usual the ladies turned out in full force for the presentation, laughing, chatting and enjoying the social occasion.
No pictures, I’m on Interpol’s most wanted list for Wales!
Resplendent prize table with flowers by June Banks
As usual I know who’s in charge, so I hand over to her indoors who has the scores!
Gill Smith took the main prize with a 72, Lady ‘P’ stepped in to collect her prize
.....but I caught up with Gill later.
Lynda Pilling came 2nd with 73
3rd place went to Karen Whiteside with 73
Jeanette Smith claimed Best Gross
Striking the winner’s pose, June Deveney 30+ category winner
Hilary Brizland picked up the 9-hole competition prize.
Gail Kelly was nearest the pin on the 2nd. Her playing partner Jeanette collected her prize.
Is Jeanette back again? Yes, she picked up her own nearest the pin on the 6th, and she had 2 x 2’s!
Donna Gadsby, Nearest the line on 18 was ‘right on par’ as club Photographer, selfie queen and vote of thanks narrator!
‘Foreeza’ jolly good fellow. Cheers Mr Captain!
‘Winner’s enclosure’
‘Winner’s enclosure’
In training for 2023, Sheila Proctor, aka Mrs Vice Captain.
Check the prize table Mr Captain, LC looks shifty! Do we need to call in the bizzies Jane?
With a beak that big it must have been Ashton’s lesser spotted long snout golfer Jean!
Mr Captain, I’m shocked!
What did I say?
And now the end is here, you all made Captain’s Day for ladies such a wonderful occasion. Your generosity and kind wishes were overwhelming.