
Ashton and Lea Golf Club

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Club News:

Ladies Get into Golf Programme 2025

Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Our Ladies section & Golf Professionals are running another "get into golf" initiative to introduce ladies to golf ....

Top Tracer Driving Range Open to the Public

Wednesday 12th June 2024

The range comprises 14 floodlit bays (9 covered Toptracer bays and 5 none Toptracer bays in the open), and a target area that will cater for the 300+yd "big-hitters".

Academy Overview

We are proud to offer a high quality coaching and practise facility "The Academy" , which offers golfers the full golfing experience. Whichever aspect of your game you want to improve, we have it covered with our 14 bay Driving Range, Swing Coaching and Capto Putting Studios, Short Game Facility, Practise Putting Green - probably the best practise facilities in the area. If that wasn't enough, all the skills developed can be then tested on the acclaimed 18-hole parkland course. Golfers of all abilities can also benefit from top class coaching from our professional staff.

Gary Edge PGA Professional : Head Coach and Academy Manager

Tel : 07967 777067
Email :
Website : 

Please contact Gary directly to discuss your requirements and to book lessons.

Driving Range powered by TopTracer Technology

The driving range comprises of 14 floodlit bays (9 covered TopTracer Bays and 5 non TopTracer bays in the open) and a range target area that will cater for the 300+yd "BIG-HITTERS!".

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Swing Coaching  and Capto Putting Studios

Within the Academy, there is a fully equipped swing coaching studio boasting a SkyTrak launch monitor, enabling our Indoor Performance Centre to offer you the best indoor golfing experience. There is also a CAPTO Putting Academy. A private facility for one on one Putting Lessons. As a Level 2 certified CAPTO Putting Instructor, we offer the very best level of coaching to improve your Putting. 

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Short Game Facility

The Short Game Facility is located in between the clubhouse and the driving range and provides an outdoor practice area for Ladder Drills, Bunker Play and Chipping.

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Practise Putting Green

The practise putting green is located in front of the clubhouse and allows golfers to get an accurate feel of how fast the actual greens are playing on the course. The practise putting green is open to all golfers (members and vistors) and chipping is longer allowed (please use the short game facility). 

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Gary Edge School of Golf

Our Head Coach and Academy Manager, Gary Edge, joins us with over 35 of experience. In 1983 he qualified as a PGA Professional, reaching PGA Level 3 in 2008, specialising in the fundamentals of the golf swing and the short game.  He has both wide experience of high volume teaching to individual specialised technique development. Taking all of this experience into account, Gary as taken the opportunity to establish the  Gary Edge School of Golf  here at the Ashton & Lea Golf Club.

Find out more....

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