
Ashton and Lea Golf Club

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Club News:

Ladies Get into Golf Programme 2025

Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Our Ladies section & Golf Professionals are running another "get into golf" initiative to introduce ladies to golf ....

Top Tracer Driving Range Open to the Public

Wednesday 12th June 2024

The range comprises 14 floodlit bays (9 covered Toptracer bays and 5 none Toptracer bays in the open), and a target area that will cater for the 300+yd "big-hitters".

Dress Code on the Course

As a modern and progressive Golf Club, Ashton & Lea recognise that the golfing attire has progressed and changed over the years, however it is equally recognised that all golfers whether members, guests or visitors, must maintain a certain standard dress code whilst on the course or in the clubhouse.

Smart recognised golfing apparel must by worn at all times on the course, and this will be at the discretion of the Head Professional and his team.

If you have any doubts on the matter, please speak to the Head Professional rather than risk the embarrassment of being refused access to the course.


Players on the course are expected to maintain a high standard of dress code and are required to wear smart conventional golfing attire with correct golfing footwear. The dress code applies on the course AND on the practise putting green.

Male - Acceptable Dress Code

  • All shists must have a colalr, polo neck, mock next style and must always be worn tucked into trousers / shorts.
  • Tailored trousers, chinos, golf trousers must be worn.
  • Shorts and either be tailored or chino style. They must be an acceptable length.
  • Golf shoes must always be worn, either spiked or dimpled.
  • Socks must be an appropriate lengght (Trainer / sports sock style)

Male - Unacceptable Dress Code

  • Caps on backwards
  • Football shirts or collarless tee shirts
  • Cargo trousers, tracksuit pants, denim jeans, jogger style pants.
  • Cargo, military combat shorts, beach shorts, football / training shorts.
  • Football socks
  • Trainers, sandals or flip flops

Female - Acceptable Dress Code

  • Shirts can be collarless blouses or tops
  • Full length trousers or capri length pants are acceptable
  • Skorts
  • Golf shoes must always be worn, either spiked or dimpled
  • Socks must be an appropriate lengght (Trainer / sports sock style)

Female - Unacceptable Dress Code

  • Cropped, collarless tee shirt tops are not acceptable
  • Denim, beach shorts, cargo shorts or training shorts
  • Trainers, sandals or flip flops

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