Opening Hours
Please see below opening hours for the office (Club Manager and Accounts Adminstrator), Bar & Restaurant and the Pro Shop.
Please see below opening hours for the office (Club Manager and Accounts Adminstrator), Bar & Restaurant and the Pro Shop.
Monday to Friday 8:30am till 3:30pm
For any enquiries, please email
Monday to Sunday 11:00am till 10:00pm (Last Orders 9:30pm)
Monday to Thursday 11:00am till 6:00pm (Last Orders 5:30pm)
Friday to Sunday 11:00am till 7:00pm (Last Orders 6:30pm)
Note: Alcohol will be served from 11:30am. In addition, please be aware that the Clubhouse will close in line with the bar operating hours, therefore if you wish to access the locker room please ensure arrangements are made during the times above.
Monday 11:00am till 3:00pm (Last Orders 2:30pm)
Tuesday to Sunday 10:00am till 4:00pm (Last Orders 3:30pm)
Monday to Thursday 11:00am till 3:00pm (Last Orders 2:30pm)
Friday to Sunday 11:00am till 4:00pm (Last Orders 3:30pm)
Note: Opening times will be extended for special events / functions
Monday to Friday 08:30 - 18:00
Saturday 08.00 - 18:30
Sunday 06:30 - 18:30
Monday to Friday 08.30 - 16.00
Saturday & Sunday 08.00 - 17.00